
a new week

Now, is this a Friday afternoon problem or a Monday morning problem? Who Cares!
I need to assess and evaluate issues in a similar manner every day. Not just Friday afternoon or Monday morning.

Let’s Go!

Now, is this a Friday afternoon problem or a Monday morning problem? Who Cares! I need to assess and evaluate issues in a similar manner every day.
Not just Friday afternoon or Monday morning.
Let’s Go!

And the Week starts with something like this …...

  • *) Logfiles
  • *) Logfiles
  • *) Lofgiles
  • and guess what …. Logfiles
# cat audit.log | grep "" | awk 'match($0, /[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+/) {i[substr($0,RSTART,RLENGTH)]=1}END{for(ip in i){printf("%s\n", ip)}}'

Don’t get me wrong, fancy dashboards are cool, but someone gonna do the work a script can’t do.
yet. !